GE Developing Body Sensor Networks

GE Developing Body Sensor Networks

Body Sensor Networks (BSN) are the latest initiative from GE to enable the wireless monitoring of non-invasive and body worn devices that collect patient specific information, including temperature, pulse-oximetry, blood glucose levels, electrocardiogram readings, blood pressure and respiratory functions. As we deploy wireless networks across our respective client sites, our designs must consider the future requirements for these types of technologies both internal and external to the healthcare provider site. GE has been participating in the IEEE 802.15 task group to develop a standard for body area networks and the FCC to create a dedicated band of spectrum for body sensor networks and the FCC has issued a notice of proposed rule making in favor of the idea. So progress is being made with this technology.

A recent survey reported that at least 40% of patient care time in a conventional hospital setting is spent manually recording patient monitoring output. Designing and deploying the infrastructure required for these types of patient monitoring solutions can be especially challenging. This is where Healthcare IT again directly impacts quality of care and patient safety. Network expertise is required to deliver these types of solutions, what is necessary is a focus on the specific standards for medical telemetry devices and a design approach that takes into account the high availability and performance of the wireless network. As these new advances in healthcare are released to our providers, we must bring the innovative solutions and a road map to our clients so we can both remain competitive and deliver the best patient care available.

Does your site have plans to expand wireless to include clinical devices? Is your site already in the process or in production?
