Intelligent use of Social Network in Healthcare

Intelligent use of Social Network in Healthcare

From Surgeons tweeting during surgery to Hospital Facebook pages, Healthcare provider are figuring out how to best use social networks to communicate better with patients and staff. Healthcare providers, especially their HR and marketing organizations are discovering how to utilize social networks in day-to-day operations. More and more business (employees, leads, market intelligence) will come directly through business applications that tap into Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks that are already being used by employees and customers outside the workplace. Some Healthcare providers subscribe to Twitter, sending health and wellness information to there followers. As the internet becomes even more accessible via SmartPhones and PDA’s, the ability to reach a wide demographic has increased dramatically.

Security, HIPAA compliance, network infrastructure, just a few areas where IT needs to understand the impact of this trend and help prepare our clients for future capabilities. Has your client enquired about Social networks? What ideas do you have to best leverage resources in response to this trend?
