Giving thanks for technology

I am very thankful to work with very dedicated and innovative IT professionals, at our customer sites and throughout IT, for whom healthcare IT is as much a mission as it is a profession.

Exploring innovations in healthcare technology is the primary theme of this newsletter, I have started a list of things that I’m thankful for within healthcare IT. Starting with the first five, this list includes technologies, standards and services that have made work more interesting, exciting and filled with new possibilities.

1. I'm thankful for my iPad. What a great platform (and yes I dropped it once and it survived). I’m thankful for innovation and to work in a culture that promotes experimentation, testing and looking for ways to improve existing services and find new markets. Encouraging and celebrating new ideas and promoting a structure that can bring ideas to life, which can be a major differentiator.

2. I’m thankful for advancements in networking and bandwidth. Increased speeds across a wide spectrum of devices. From 100 megabit to 10 gigabit for our LAN and WAN to service our servers and desktops, to broadband, wireless and 3G networks that service iPhone’s and other wireless devices. High bandwidth solutions continue to increase the possibilities for healthcare IT to further enable faster service and new point of care solutions, contributing to better patient care.

3. I’m thankful for social and professional portals that bring me closer to friends, family and colleagues. I have connected to family genealogy, LinkedIn to co-workers, Facebook’d with friends and family. These innovative portals enable conversations; exchange of ideas and maintaining relationships has been transformational. The possible applications for healthcare are numerous, connecting caregivers within a hospital system, connecting hospital executives and staff, to communicating to patients and communities.

4. I’m thankful for virtualization technologies that enable a variety of new applications, desktops, servers, network and storage solutions. The idea that these once fixed services can be portable, dynamic and replicated based on a client’s requirements opens up amazing possibilities! The cornerstone of cloud computing, virtualization will continue to be an enabling technology in healthcare IT.

5. I’m thankful for the increased standardization across the web, servers, portable devices, file systems and interfaces. There are still areas that need improvement, but healthcare and IT in general has made great strides to improve interoperability between applications and technology. The can appreciate the most basic file transfers between my Windows XP and Mac Book Pro laptops, web browsers that behave appropriately with HTML, CSS, Java and other web standards. Interfaces between application using XML, HL-7 and other standards enable the integrated delivery of healthcare across diverse applications. As high speed networks and virtualized services evolve, standardization will be critical to successful healthcare IT solutions.

What healthcare IT technologies are you thankful for?
